4 new law changes that may affect your retirement plan

If you save for retirement with an IRA or other plan, you’ll be
interested to know that Congress recently passed a law that makes significant
modifications to these accounts. The SECURE Act, which was signed into law on
December 20, 2019, made these four changes.

Change #1: The maximum age for making
traditional IRA contributions is repealed.
Before 2020,
traditional IRA contributions weren’t allowed once you reached age 70½.
Starting in 2020, an individual of any age can make contributions to a
traditional IRA, as long he or she has compensation, which generally means
earned income from wages or self-employment.

Change #2: The required minimum distribution
(RMD) age was raised from 70½ to 72.
Before 2020, retirement
plan participants and IRA owners were generally required to begin taking RMDs
from their plans by April 1 of the year following the year they reached age
70½. The age 70½ requirement was first applied in the early 1960s and, until
recently, hadn’t been adjusted to account for increased life expectancies.

For distributions required to be made after December 31, 2019,
for individuals who attain age 70½ after that date, the age at which
individuals must begin taking distributions from their retirement plans or IRAs
is increased from 70½ to 72.

Change #3: “Stretch IRAs” were partially
If a plan participant or IRA owner died before 2020, their
beneficiaries (spouses and non-spouses) were generally allowed to stretch out
the tax-deferral advantages of the plan or IRA by taking distributions over the
beneficiary’s life or life expectancy. This is sometimes called a “stretch

However, for deaths of plan participants or IRA owners beginning
in 2020 (later for some participants in collectively bargained plans and
governmental plans), distributions to most non-spouse beneficiaries are
generally required to be distributed within 10 years following a plan
participant’s or IRA owner’s death. That means the “stretch” strategy is no
longer allowed for those beneficiaries.

There are some exceptions to the 10-year rule. For example, it’s
still allowed for: the surviving spouse of a plan participant or IRA owner; a
child of a plan participant or IRA owner who hasn’t reached the age of
majority; a chronically ill individual; and any other individual who isn’t more
than 10 years younger than a plan participant or IRA owner. Those beneficiaries
who qualify under this exception may generally still take their distributions
over their life expectancies.

Change #4: Penalty-free withdrawals are now
allowed for birth or adoption expenses.
A distribution from a
retirement plan must generally be included in income. And, unless an exception
applies, a distribution before the age of 59½ is subject to a 10% early
withdrawal penalty on the amount includible in income.

Starting in 2020, plan distributions (up to $5,000) that are
used to pay for expenses related to the birth or adoption of a child are
penalty-free. The $5,000 amount applies on an individual basis. Therefore, each
spouse in a married couple may receive a penalty-free distribution up to $5,000
for a qualified birth or adoption.


These are only some of the changes included in the new law. If
you have questions about your situation, don’t hesitate to contact us.

© 2020

TCJA Tax Strategies 2: Capital Gains – accessing the 0% and 15% capital gain rates and tax planning for capital transactions.

Often clients inquire with our office with questions like “What is my capital gains rate?” or “How much will I be taxed on a sale of <insert asset here> in 2019?”

While it is important to understand the amount of tax to be paid on any given transaction, it is even more important to understand the new opportunities afforded to those with capital transactions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The TCJA significantly expanded the 0% and 15% capital gain rate brackets. By pushing the 20% capital gain rate into higher territory – taxpayers with higher income can access the more favorable rates on their capital sale transactions. By expanding the 15% capital gain rate bracket more gain can also be fit into those brackets allowing for more gains to be taxed at lower rates. Based on historical tax rates and brackets, it’s a pretty great deal.

Capital Gains in General

When considering capital gains, you must first separate your short and long-term gains. Long-term, for these purposes, means gains or losses from investments you held for more than a year. Gains and losses from investments held for one year or less are short-term. Once you isolate your long and short term gains, you must separate your long-term gains and losses into three rate groups:

  • the 28% group, consisting of:
    1. capital gains and losses from collectibles (including works of art, rugs, antiques, metals, gems, stamps, coins, and alcoholic beverages) held for more than one year;
    2. long-term capital loss carryovers; and
    3. section 1202 gain (gain from the sale of certain small business stock held for more than five years that's eligible for a 50% exclusion from gross income).
  • the 25% group, consisting of “unrecaptured section 1250 gain”—that is, gain on the sale of depreciable real property that's attributable to the depreciation of that property (there are no losses in this group); and
  • the 20%/15%/0% group, consisting of long-term capital gains and losses that aren't in the 28% or 25% group—that is, most gains and losses from assets held for more than one year.

While the 28% and 25% rate groups are relevant for many taxpayers, the majority of capital transactions still fall into category #3. As such, this article will focus on planning opportunities for most standard capital transactions.

Once you arrive at a net gain or loss from the three long-term categories above, you must net and apply short term and long term losses to the above:

  • Short-term capital losses (including short-term capital loss carryovers) are applied first to reduce short-term capital gains, if any, otherwise taxable at ordinary rates. If you have a net short-term capital loss, it reduces any net long-term gain from the 28% group, then gain from the 25% group, and finally reduces net gain from the 20%/15%/0% group.
  • Long-term capital gains and losses are handled as follows. A net loss from the 28% group (including long-term capital loss carryovers) is used first to reduce gain from the 25% group, then to reduce net gain from the 20%/15%/0% group. A net loss from the 20%/15%/0% group is used first to reduce gain from the 28% group, then to reduce gain from the 25% group.

If, after the above netting, you have any long-term capital gain, the gain that's attributable to a particular rate group is taxed at that group's marginal tax rate—28% for the 28% group, 25% for the 25% group, and the following rates for the 20%/15%/0% group:


For 2019, the 0% capital gains tax rate applies to adjusted net capital gain of up to:

  • $78,750 for joint filers and surviving spouses;
  • $52,750 for heads of household;
  • $39,375 for single filers; and,
  • $39,375 for married taxpayers filing separately.


For 2019, the 15% tax rate applies to adjusted net capital gain over the amount subject to the 0% rate, and up to:

  • $488,850 for joint filers and surviving spouses;
  • $244,425 for married taxpayers filing separately;
  • $461,700 for heads of household; and,
  • $434,550 for single filers.; i.e., for 2018, the 15% tax rate applies to adjusted net capital gain over the amount subject to the 0% rate, and up to: $479,000 for joint filers and surviving spouses; $239,500 for married taxpayers filing separately; $452,400 for heads of household; and, $425,800 for single filers);


Gain that otherwise would be taxed in excess of the amount taxed under the 0% and 15%

A 3.8% tax on net investment income applies to taxpayers with modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) that exceeds $250,000 for joint returns and surviving spouses, $200,000 for single taxpayers and heads of household, or $125,000 for married taxpayers filing separately. After the 3.8% tax is factored in, the top rate on capital gain is 23.8%.

If, after the above netting, you're left with short-term losses or long-term losses (or both), you can use the losses to offset ordinary income, subject to a limit. The maximum annual deduction against ordinary income for the year is $3,000 ($1,500 for married taxpayers filing separately). Any loss not absorbed by the deduction in the current year is carried forward to later years, until all of it is either offset against capital gains or deducted against ordinary income in those years, subject to the $3,000 limit. If you have both net short-term losses and net long-term losses, the net short-term losses are used to offset ordinary income before the net long-term losses are used.

Planning for the 0% and 15% capital gain rate

The first thing to remember is that the 0% and 15% rate brackets apply to LONG-TERM gains only (see above for definition of long-term gains). So make sure when you’re analyzing a transaction that you know the holding period of the asset in question. The holding period starts (usually) when you acquire the asset – the simplest way to think about it is a stock purchase; the holding period begins when you buy the stock. Long-term gains (and reduced rates) are for assets with a holding period of one year or more.

The second important thing to understand is the interaction of your ordinary income and capital income – meaning, how do we actually “access” the preferential rates?

Let’s do an example. Say you know that you’re a Married Filing Joint filer. Say that you also know that you have ordinary income from wages of about $250,000 between you and your spouse. Say you take the standard deduction and have no other adjustments or deductions. Lastly, say you’re planning to sell some company stock that you were awarded a few years ago that has appreciated significantly. How do you know when to sell it and how to you access those beneficial lower tax rates??

For purposes of this example, we’ll say that you have about 10,000 shares of company stock in Startup Co (your employer). You were awarded this stock about 3 years ago when the stock price was $1. The company has done well and the stock is currently trading at $31 per share.

Your basis (investment) in the stock is $10,000 (10,000 shares times the $1 FMV at time of award).

In a potential sale, you have proceeds of $310,000 - if you sell all of the stock.

The potential gain is $310,000 (proceeds) minus $10,000 (basis) = $300,000 of long-term capital gain.

Here’s a rough summary of how you would do the calculation (for simplicity we used the 2018 brackets):

Taxable Income (before gains): Wages $250,000 less standard deduction of $24,000 equals $226,000

Dividends: $0

Capital Gains: $300,000

Taxable income exceeds the 0% rate bracket for joint filers ($77,200 for 2018) before considering capital gains so none of the gains are taxed at 0%.

Since the 15% capital gain rate bracket is available until $479,000 then $253,000 of capital gain income can be taxed at 15%. How does that work? Simply subtract your other taxable income (per above) of $226,000 from the full rate bracket of $479,000. The difference is how much “room” is left in the 15% capital gain rate bracket.

So $253,000 of gains can be taxed at 15%.

The remaining gain of $47,000 ($300K total gain less $253K gain taxed at 15%) is taxed at 20%.

How can we do better?

One of the simplest planning methods is to split the gain into two years. How does this work?

If you sell half the stock in Year 1 – you will have only $150K of gain. This gain will not make it all the way to the 20% rate bracket and the entire gain will be taxed at 15%.

If you sell the other half of the stock in Year 2 – you will get to have another run at the 15% rate bracket. With only $150K of gains (assuming all other income is about the same), you’ll stay within the 15% rate bracket in year two.

The difference?

With planning: You pay $45,000 in capital gains taxes (not considering the NIIT) on your sale.

Without planning: You pay $47,350 in capital gains taxes (not considering the NIIT) on your sale.

Savings: $2,350

This example is minor and involves a modest amount of gain. However, the bigger the gain, the bigger the stakes. Splitting gain over multiple years is a tried and true method. Other planning options include netting and harvesting losses and structuring sales to coincide with other income and loss events. More advanced strategies like the 1031 exchange or qualified opportunity zone funds can also be considered. If you’re selling your primary residence, don’t forget about the primary residence gain exclusion.

Dividends taxed at long-term capital gains rates

Dividends that you receive from domestic corporations and “qualified foreign corporations” are taxed at the same rates that apply to the 20%/15%/0% group mentioned above. However, these dividends aren't actually part of that group, and aren't subject to the grouping and netting rules discussed above. The 3.8% tax on net investment income applies to dividends. With dividends, proper planning can also help keeping those taxed at the 0% or 15% rate. Some planning actions may be to consider the timing of capital transactions and dividend transactions.

Some other planning suggestions. Since losses can only be used against gains (or up to $3,000 additionally), in many cases, matching up gains and losses can save you taxes. For example, suppose you've already realized $20,000 in capital gains this year and are holding investments on which you've lost $20,000. If you sell the loss items before the end of the year, they will “absorb” the gains completely. If you wait to sell the loss items next year, you'll be fully taxed on this year's gains and will only be able to deduct $3,000 of your losses (if you have no other gains next year against which to net the losses).

Another technique is to seek to “isolate” short-term gains against long-term losses. For example, say you have $10,000 in short-term gains in Year 1 and $10,000 in long-term losses as well. You're in the highest tax bracket in all relevant years (assume that's a 37% bracket for Year 1). Your other investments have been held more than one year and have gone up $10,000 in value, but you haven't sold them. If you sell them in Year 1, they will be netted against the long-term losses and leave you short-term gains to be taxed at 37%. Alternatively, if you can hold off and sell them in Year 2 (assuming no other Year 2 transactions), the losses will “absorb” the short-term gains in Year 1. In Year 2, the long-term gains will then be taxed at only 20% (unless the gains belong in the 25% or 28% group).

Alternative minimum tax. The favorable rates that apply to long-term capital gain (and qualified dividend income) for regular tax purposes also apply for alternative minimum tax (AMT) purposes. In spite of this, any long-term capital gains you recognize in a year might trigger an AMT liability. This can happen if the capital gains increase your total income enough so that your AMT exemption phases out. The extra income from capital gains may also affect your entitlement to various exemptions, deductions, and credits, and the amounts of those AMT preferences and adjustments, that depend on the amount of your income.

Want to learn more about planning for capital transactions and accessing the preferential rates? Please contact us by submitting the form on our site or give us a call at 617 651 0531.

2019 Year-End Tax Planning

As the end of the year approaches, it is a good time to think of planning moves that will help lower your tax bill for this year and possibly the next. Year-end planning for 2019 takes place against the backdrop of the landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changes that many individuals and businesses still haven't fully absorbed. For individuals, these changes include lower income tax rates, a boosted standard deduction, severely limited itemized deductions, no personal exemptions, an increased child tax credit, and a watered-down alternative minimum tax (AMT). For businesses, the corporate tax rate has been reduced to 21%, there is no corporate AMT, there are limits on business interest deductions, and there are very generous expensing and depreciation rules. And non-corporate taxpayers with qualified business income from pass-through entities may be entitled to a special 20% deduction.

Year-End Tax Planning Moves for Individuals

  • Higher-income earners must be wary of the 3.8% surtax on certain unearned income. The surtax is 3.8% of the lesser of: (1) net investment income (NII), or (2) the excess of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) over a threshold amount ($250,000 for joint filers or surviving spouses, $125,000 for a married individual filing a separate return, and $200,000 in any other case). As year-end nears, a taxpayer's approach to minimizing or eliminating the 3.8% surtax will depend on his estimated MAGI and NII for the year. Some taxpayers should consider ways to minimize (e.g., through deferral) additional NII for the balance of the year, others should try to see if they can reduce MAGI other than NII, and other individuals will need to consider ways to minimize both NII and other types of MAGI.
  • The 0.9% additional Medicare tax also may require higher-income earners to take year-end actions. It applies to individuals for whom the sum of their wages received with respect to employment and their self-employment income is in excess of a threshold amount ($250,000 for joint filers, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, and $200,000 in any other case). Employers must withhold the additional Medicare tax from wages in excess of $200,000 regardless of filing status or other income. Self-employed persons must take it into account in figuring estimated tax. There could be situations where an employee may need to have more withheld toward the end of the year to cover the tax. For example, if an individual earns $200,000 from one employer during the first half of the year and a like amount from another employer during the balance of the year, he or she would owe the additional Medicare tax, but there would be no withholding by either employer for the additional Medicare tax since wages from each employer don't exceed $200,000.
  • Long-term capital gain from sales of assets held for over one year is taxed at 0%, 15% or 20%, depending on the taxpayer's taxable income. The 0% rate generally applies to the excess of long-term capital gain over any short-term capital loss to the extent that it, when added to regular taxable income, is not more than the “maximum zero rate amount” (e.g., $78,750 for a married couple). If the 0% rate applies to long-term capital gains you took earlier this year—for example, you are a joint filer who made a profit of $5,000 on the sale of stock bought in 2009, and other taxable income for 2019 is $70,000—then before year-end, try not to sell assets yielding a capital loss because the first $5,000 of such losses won't yield a benefit this year. And if you hold long-term appreciated-in-value assets, consider selling enough of them to generate long-term capital gains sheltered by the 0% rate.
  • Postpone income until 2020 and accelerate deductions into 2019 if doing so will enable you to claim larger deductions, credits, and other tax breaks for 2019 that are phased out over varying levels of adjusted gross income (AGI). These include deductible IRA contributions, child tax credits, higher education tax credits, and deductions for student loan interest. Postponing income also is desirable for those taxpayers who anticipate being in a lower tax bracket next year due to changed financial circumstances. Note, however, that in some cases, it may pay to actually accelerate income into 2019. For example, that may be the case where a person will have a more favorable filing status this year than next (e.g., head of household versus individual filing status), or expects to be in a higher tax bracket next year.
  • If you believe a Roth IRA is better than a traditional IRA, consider converting traditional-IRA money invested in beaten-down stocks (or mutual funds) into a Roth IRA in 2019 if eligible to do so. Keep in mind, however, that such a conversion will increase your AGI for 2019, and possibly reduce tax breaks geared to AGI (or modified AGI).
  • It may be advantageous to try to arrange with your employer to defer, until early 2020, a bonus that may be coming your way. This could cut as well as defer your tax.
  • Many taxpayers won't be able to itemize because of the high basic standard deduction amounts that apply for 2019 ($24,400 for joint filers, $12,200 for singles and for marrieds filing separately, $18,350 for heads of household), and because many itemized deductions have been reduced or abolished. No more than $10,000 of state and local taxes may be deducted; miscellaneous itemized deductions (e.g., tax preparation fees and unreimbursed employee expenses) are not deductible; and personal casualty and theft losses are deductible only if they're attributable to a federally declared disaster and only to the extent the $100-per-casualty and 10%-of-AGI limits are met. You can still itemize medical expenses but only to the extent they exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income, state and local taxes up to $10,000, your charitable contributions, plus interest deductions on a restricted amount of qualifying residence debt, but payments of those items won't save taxes if they don't cumulatively exceed the standard deduction amount that applies to your filing status.

Some taxpayers may be able to work around these deduction restrictions by applying a “bunching strategy” to pull or push discretionary medical expenses and charitable contributions into the year where they will do some tax good. For example, if a taxpayer knows he or she will be able to itemize deductions this year but not next year, the taxpayer will benefit by making two years' worth of charitable contributions this year, instead of spreading out donations over 2019 and 2020.

  • Consider using a credit card to pay deductible expenses before the end of the year. Doing so will increase your 2019 deductions even if you don't pay your credit card bill until after the end of the year.
  • If you expect to owe state and local income taxes when you file your return next year and you will be itemizing in 2019, consider asking your employer to increase withholding of state and local taxes (or pay estimated tax payments of state and local taxes) before year-end to pull the deduction of those taxes into 2019. But remember that state and local tax deductions are limited to $10,000 per year, so this strategy is not a good one to the extent it causes your 2019 state and local tax payments to exceed $10,000.
  • Take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRA or 401(k) plan (or other employer-sponsored retirement plan). RMDs from IRAs must begin by April 1 of the year following the year you reach age 70½. (That start date also applies to company plans, but non-5% company owners who continue working may defer RMDs until April 1 following the year they retire.) Failure to take a required withdrawal can result in a penalty of 50% of the amount of the RMD not withdrawn. Thus, if you turn age 70½ in 2019, you can delay the first required distribution to 2020, but if you do, you will have to take a double distribution in 2020—the amount required for 2019 plus the amount required for 2020. Think twice before delaying 2019 distributions to 2020, as bunching income into 2020 might push you into a higher tax bracket or have a detrimental impact on various income tax deductions that are reduced at higher income levels. However, it could be beneficial to take both distributions in 2020 if you will be in a substantially lower bracket that year.
  • If you are age 70½ or older by the end of 2019, have traditional IRAs, and particularly if you can't itemize your deductions, consider making 2019 charitable donations via qualified charitable distributions from your IRAs. Such distributions are made directly to charities from your IRAs, and the amount of the contribution is neither included in your gross income nor deductible on Schedule A, Form 1040. But the amount of the qualified charitable distribution reduces the amount of your required minimum distribution, which can result in tax savings.
  • If you are younger than age 70½ at the end of 2019, you anticipate that in the year that you turn 70½ and/or in later years you will not itemize your deductions, and you don't have any traditional IRAs, establish and contribute as much as you can to one or more traditional IRAs in 2019. If these circumstances apply to you, except that you already have one or more traditional IRAs, make maximum contributions to one or more traditional IRAs in 2019. Then, when you reach age 70½, make your charitable donations by way of qualified charitable distributions from your IRA. Doing all of this will allow you to, in effect, convert nondeductible charitable contributions that you make in the year you turn 70½ and later years, into deductible-in-2019 IRA contributions and reductions of gross income from age 70½ and later year distributions from the IRAs.
  • Take an eligible rollover distribution from a qualified retirement plan before the end of 2019 if you are facing a penalty for underpayment of estimated tax and having your employer increase your withholding is unavailable or won't sufficiently address the problem. Income tax will be withheld from the distribution and will be applied toward the taxes owed for 2019. You can then timely roll over the gross amount of the distribution, i.e., the net amount you received plus the amount of withheld tax, to a traditional IRA. No part of the distribution will be includible in income for 2019, but the withheld tax will be applied pro rata over the full 2019 tax year to reduce previous underpayments of estimated tax.
  • Consider increasing the amount you set aside for next year in your employer's health flexible spending account (FSA) if you set aside too little for this year.
  • If you become eligible in December of 2019 to make health savings account (HSA) contributions, you can make a full year's worth of deductible HSA contributions for 2019.
  • Make gifts sheltered by the annual gift tax exclusion before the end of the year if doing so may save gift and estate taxes. The exclusion applies to gifts of up to $15,000 made in 2019 to each of an unlimited number of individuals. You can't carry over unused exclusions from one year to the next. Such transfers may save family income taxes where income-earning property is given to family members in lower income tax brackets who are not subject to the kiddie tax.
  • If you were in federally declared disaster area, and you suffered uninsured or unreimbursed disaster-related losses, keep in mind you can choose to claim them either on the return for the year the loss occurred (in this instance, the 2019 return normally filed next year), or on the return for the prior year (2018).
  • If you were in a federally declared disaster area, you may want to settle an insurance or damage claim in 2019 in order to maximize your casualty loss deduction this year.

Year-End Tax-Planning Moves for Businesses & Business Owners

  • Taxpayers other than corporations may be entitled to a deduction of up to 20% of their qualified business income. For 2019, if taxable income exceeds $321,400 for a married couple filing jointly, $160,700 for singles and heads of household, and $160,725 for marrieds filing separately, the deduction may be limited based on whether the taxpayer is engaged in a service-type trade or business (such as law, accounting, health, or consulting), the amount of W-2 wages paid by the trade or business, and/or the unadjusted basis of qualified property (such as machinery and equipment) held by the trade or business. The limitations are phased in–for example, the phase-in applies to joint filers with taxable income between $321,400 and $421,400 and to single taxpayers with taxable income between $160,700 and $210,700.

Taxpayers may be able to achieve significant savings with respect to this deduction, by deferring income or accelerating deductions so as to come under the dollar thresholds (or be subject to a smaller phaseout of the deduction) for 2019. Depending on their business model, taxpayers also may be able increase the new deduction by increasing W-2 wages before year-end. The rules are quite complex, so don't make a move in this area without consulting your tax adviser.

  • More “small businesses” are able to use the cash (as opposed to accrual) method of accounting in than were allowed to do so in earlier years. To qualify as a “small business” a taxpayer must, among other things, satisfy a gross receipts test. For 2019, the gross-receipts test is satisfied if, during a three-year testing period, average annual gross receipts don't exceed $26 million (the dollar amount was $25 million for 2018, and for earlier years it was $5 million). Cash method taxpayers may find it a lot easier to shift income, for example by holding off billings till next year or by accelerating expenses, for example, paying bills early or by making certain prepayments.
  • Businesses should consider making expenditures that qualify for the liberalized business property expensing option. For tax years beginning in 2019, the expensing limit is $1,020,000, and the investment ceiling limit is $2,550,000. Expensing is generally available for most depreciable property (other than buildings) and off-the-shelf computer software. It is also available for qualified improvement property (generally, any interior improvement to a building's interior, but not for enlargement of a building, elevators or escalators, or the internal structural framework), for roofs, and for HVAC, fire protection, alarm, and security systems. The generous dollar ceilings that apply this year mean that many small and medium sized businesses that make timely purchases will be able to currently deduct most if not all their outlays for machinery and equipment. What's more, the expensing deduction is not prorated for the time that the asset is in service during the year. The fact that the expensing deduction may be claimed in full (if you are otherwise eligible to take it) regardless of how long the property is held during the year can be a potent tool for year-end tax planning. Thus, property acquired and placed in service in the last days of 2019, rather than at the beginning of 2020, can result in a full expensing deduction for 2019.
  • Businesses also can claim a 100% bonus first year depreciation deduction for machinery and equipment—bought used (with some exceptions) or new—if purchased and placed in service this year. The 100% write off is permitted without any proration based on the length of time that an asset is in service during the tax year. As a result, the 100% bonus first-year writeoff is available even if qualifying assets are in service for only a few days in 2019.
  • Businesses may be able to take advantage of the de minimis safe harbor election (also known as the book-tax conformity election) to expense the costs of lower-cost assets and materials and supplies, assuming the costs don't have to be capitalized under the Code Sec. 263A uniform capitalization (UNICAP) rules. To qualify for the election, the cost of a unit of property can't exceed $5,000 if the taxpayer has an applicable financial statement (AFS; e.g., a certified audited financial statement along with an independent CPA's report). If there's no AFS, the cost of a unit of property can't exceed $2,500. Where the UNICAP rules aren't an issue, consider purchasing such qualifying items before the end of 2019.
  • A corporation (other than a “large” corporation) that anticipates a small net operating loss (NOL) for 2019 (and substantial net income in 2020) may find it worthwhile to accelerate just enough of its 2020 income (or to defer just enough of its 2019 deductions) to create a small amount of net income for 2019. This will permit the corporation to base its 2020 estimated tax installments on the relatively small amount of income shown on its 2019 return, rather than having to pay estimated taxes based on 100% of its much larger 2020 taxable income.
  • To reduce 2019 taxable income, consider deferring a debt-cancellation event until 2020.
  • To reduce 2019 taxable income, consider disposing of a passive activity in 2019 if doing so will allow you to deduct suspended passive activity losses.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Key provisions affecting businesses

The recently passed tax reform bill, commonly referred to as the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” (TCJA), is the most expansive federal tax legislation since 1986. It includes a multitude of provisions that will have a major impact on businesses.

Here’s a look at some of the most significant changes. They generally apply to tax years beginning after December 31, 2017, except where noted.

• Replacement of graduated corporate tax rates ranging from 15% to 35% with a flat corporate rate of 21%
• Repeal of the 20% corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT)
• New 20% qualified business income deduction for owners of flow-through entities (such as partnerships, limited liability companies and S corporations) and sole proprietorships — through 2025
• Doubling of bonus depreciation to 100% and expansion of qualified assets to include used assets — effective for assets acquired and placed in service after September 27, 2017, and before January 1, 2023
• Doubling of the Section 179 expensing limit to $1 million and an increase of the expensing phaseout threshold to $2.5 million
• Other enhancements to depreciation-related deductions
• New disallowance of deductions for net interest expense in excess of 30% of the business’s adjusted taxable income (exceptions apply)
• New limits on net operating loss (NOL) deductions
• Elimination of the Section 199 deduction, also commonly referred to as the domestic production activities deduction or manufacturers’ deduction — effective for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017, for noncorporate taxpayers and for tax years beginning after December 31, 2018, for C corporation taxpayers
• New rule limiting like-kind exchanges to real property that is not held primarily for sale
• New tax credit for employer-paid family and medical leave — through 2019
• New limitations on excessive employee compensation
• New limitations on deductions for employee fringe benefits, such as entertainment and, in certain circumstances, meals and transportation

Keep in mind that additional rules and limits apply to what we’ve covered here, and there are other TCJA provisions that may affect your business. Contact us for more details and to discuss what your business needs to do in light of these changes.

© 2017

2017 Year-End Tax Reform and Tax Planning News

Tax Reform Latest News

“On December 2, the Senate, by a vote of 51 to 49, passed its version of the "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" (the Act). The Act would drastically overhaul the U.S. tax system, including changes to individual tax rates, doubling the standard deduction, and suspending many deductions including personal exemptions. The Act would also eliminate one of the cornerstones of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—the individual mandate.

The next step is for the House and Senate tax bills to be reconciled into a single piece of legislation by a Conference Committee composed of House and Senate conferees. Although there are many similarities between the two bills, there are also a number of significant differences to be addressed by the Committee, including the Senate bill's "sunset" of many tax breaks (see below), the year in which the corporate tax rate reduction would go into effect, and whether or not the estate tax and alternative minimum tax (AMT) would be repealed.

The chief Republican tax writer in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Tuesday that House Republicans want tax legislation to eliminate the corporate and individual alternative minimum taxes.

"House members ... feel strongly that the House position should be to repeal permanently both the individual and the corporate," U.S. Representative Kevin Brady told reporters.
He spoke after meeting with Republican lawmakers to discuss upcoming negotiations with the Senate aimed at reconciling the two chambers' tax bills into a unified piece of legislation.”

Courtesy of Thomson Reuters

Year End Tax Planning Recommendations

As the end of the year approaches, it is a good time to think of planning moves that will help lower your tax bill for this year and possibly the next. In many cases, this will involve the time-honored approach of deferring income until next year and accelerating deductions into this year to minimize 2017 taxes.

This time-honored approach may turn out to be even more valuable if new law is enacted that reduces tax rates beginning next year in exchange for slimmed-down deductions. Regardless, deferring income also may help you minimize or avoid AGI-based phaseouts of various tax breaks that are applicable for 2017.

We have compiled a checklist of additional actions based on current tax rules that may help you save tax dollars if you act before year-end. Not all actions will apply in your particular situation, but you (or a family member) will likely benefit from many of them. We can narrow down the specific actions that you can take through customizing a tax plan for your needs. Please review the following list and contact us at your earliest convenience so that we can advise you on which tax-saving moves to make:

Year-End Tax Planning Moves for Individuals

  • Higher-income earners must be wary of the 3.8% surtax on certain unearned income. The surtax is 3.8% of the lesser of: (1) net investment income (NII), or (2) the excess of modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) over a threshold amount ($250,000 for joint filers or surviving spouses, $125,000 for a married individual filing a separate return, and $200,000 in any other case). As year-end nears, a taxpayer's approach to minimizing or eliminating the 3.8% surtax will depend on his estimated MAGI and NII for the year. Some taxpayers should consider ways to minimize (e.g., through deferral) additional NII for the balance of the year, others should try to see if they can reduce MAGI other than NII, and other individuals will need to consider ways to minimize both NII and other types of MAGI.
  • The 0.9% additional Medicare tax also may require higher-income earners to take year-end actions. It applies to individuals for whom the sum of their wages received with respect to employment and their self-employment income is in excess of an unindexed threshold amount ($250,000 for joint filers, $125,000 for married couples filing separately, and $200,000 in any other case). Employers must withhold the additional Medicare tax from wages in excess of $200,000 regardless of filing status or other income. Self-employed persons must take it into account in figuring estimated tax. There could be situations where an employee may need to have more withheld toward the end of the year to cover the tax. For example, if an individual earns $200,000 from one employer during the first half of the year and a like amount from another employer during the balance of the year, he would owe the additional Medicare tax, but there would be no withholding by either employer for the additional Medicare tax since wages from each employer don't exceed $200,000.
  • Realize losses on stock while substantially preserving your investment position. There are several ways this can be done. For example, you can sell the original holding, then buy back the same securities at least 31 days later. It may be advisable for us to meet to discuss year-end trades you should consider making.
  • Postpone income until 2018 and accelerate deductions into 2017 to lower your 2017 tax bill. This strategy may be especially valuable if Congress succeeds in lowering tax rates next year in exchange for slimmed-down deductions. Regardless of what happens in Congress, this strategy could enable you to claim larger deductions, credits, and other tax breaks for 2017 that are phased out over varying levels of adjusted gross income (AGI). These include child tax credits, higher education tax credits, and deductions for student loan interest. Postponing income also is desirable for those taxpayers who anticipate being in a lower tax bracket next year due to changed financial circumstances. Note, however, that in some cases, it may pay to actually accelerate income into 2017. For example, this may be the case where a person will have a more favorable filing status this year than next (e.g., head of household versus individual filing status).
  • If you believe a Roth IRA is better than a traditional IRA, consider converting traditional-IRA money invested in beaten-down stocks (or mutual funds) into a Roth IRA if eligible to do so. Keep in mind, however, that such a conversion will increase your AGI for 2017.
  • If you converted assets in a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA earlier in the year and the assets in the Roth IRA account declined in value, you could wind up paying a higher tax than is necessary if you leave things as is. You can back out of the transaction by recharacterizing the conversion—that is, by transferring the converted amount (plus earnings, or minus losses) from the Roth IRA back to a traditional IRA via a trustee-to-trustee transfer. You can later reconvert to a Roth IRA.
  • It may be advantageous to try to arrange with your employer to defer, until early 2018, a bonus that may be coming your way. This could cut as well as defer your tax if Congress reduces tax rates beginning in 2018.
  • Consider using a credit card to pay deductible expenses before the end of the year. Doing so will increase your 2017 deductions even if you don't pay your credit card bill until after the end of the year.
  • If you expect to owe state and local income taxes when you file your return next year, consider asking your employer to increase withholding of state and local taxes (or pay estimated tax payments of state and local taxes) before year-end to pull the deduction of those taxes into 2017 if you won't be subject to alternative minimum tax (AMT) in 2017. Pulling state and local tax deductions into 2017 would be especially beneficial if Congress eliminates such deductions beginning next year.
  • Take an eligible rollover distribution from a qualified retirement plan before the end of 2017 if you are facing a penalty for underpayment of estimated tax and having your employer increase your withholding is unavailable or won't sufficiently address the problem. Income tax will be withheld from the distribution and will be applied toward the taxes owed for 2017. You can then timely roll over the gross amount of the distribution, i.e., the net amount you received plus the amount of withheld tax, to a traditional IRA. No part of the distribution will be includible in income for 2017, but the withheld tax will be applied pro rata over the full 2017 tax year to reduce previous underpayments of estimated tax.
  • Estimate the effect of any year-end planning moves on the AMT for 2017, keeping in mind that many tax breaks allowed for purposes of calculating regular taxes are disallowed for AMT purposes. These include the deduction for state property taxes on your residence, state income taxes, miscellaneous itemized deductions, and personal exemption deductions. If you are subject to the AMT for 2017, or suspect you might be, these types of deductions should not be accelerated.
  • You may be able to save taxes by applying a bunching strategy to pull “miscellaneous” itemized deductions, medical expenses and other itemized deductions into this year. This strategy would be especially beneficial if Congress eliminates such deductions beginning in 2018.
  • You may want to pay contested taxes to be able to deduct them this year while continuing to contest them next year.
  • You may want to settle an insurance or damage claim in order to maximize your casualty loss deduction this year.
  • Take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from your IRA or 401(k) plan (or other employer-sponsored retirement plan). RMDs from IRAs must begin by April 1 of the year following the year you reach age 70-½. That start date also applies to company plans, but non-5% company owners who continue working may defer RMDs until April 1 following the year they retire. Failure to take a required withdrawal can result in a penalty of 50% of the amount of the RMD not withdrawn. Although RMDs must begin no later than April 1 following the year in which the IRA owner attains age 70-½, the first distribution calendar year is the year in which the IRA owner attains age 70-½. Thus, if you turn age 70-½ in 2017, you can delay the first required distribution to 2018, but if you do, you will have to take a double distribution in 2018—the amount required for 2017 plus the amount required for 2018. Think twice before delaying 2017 distributions to 2018, as bunching income into 2018 might push you into a higher tax bracket or have a detrimental impact on various income tax deductions that are reduced at higher income levels. However, it could be beneficial to take both distributions in 2018 if you will be in a substantially lower bracket that year.
  • Increase the amount you set aside for next year in your employer's health flexible spending account (FSA) if you set aside too little for this year.
  • If you become eligible in December of 2017 to make health savings account (HSA) contributions, you can make a full year's worth of deductible HSA contributions for 2017.
  • Make gifts sheltered by the annual gift tax exclusion before the end of the year and thereby save gift and estate taxes. The exclusion applies to gifts of up to $14,000 made in 2017 to each of an unlimited number of individuals. You can't carry over unused exclusions from one year to the next. Such transfers may save family income taxes where income-earning property is given to family members in lower income tax brackets who are not subject to the kiddie tax.
  • If you were affected by Hurricane Harvey, Irma, or Maria, keep in mind that you may be entitled to special tax relief under recently passed legislation, such as relaxed casualty loss rules and eased access to your retirement funds. In addition qualifying charitable contributions related to relief efforts in the Hurricane Harvey, Irma, or Maria disaster areas aren't subject to the usual charitable deduction limitations.
    Year-End Tax-Planning Moves for Businesses & Business Owners
  • Businesses should consider making expenditures that qualify for the business property expensing option. For tax years beginning in 2017, the expensing limit is $510,000 and the investment ceiling limit is $2,030,000. Expensing is generally available for most depreciable property (other than buildings), off-the-shelf computer software, air conditioning and heating units, and qualified real property—qualified leasehold improvement property, qualified restaurant property, and qualified retail improvement property. The generous dollar ceilings that apply this year mean that many small and medium sized businesses that make timely purchases will be able to currently deduct most if not all their outlays for machinery and equipment. What's more, the expensing deduction is not prorated for the time that the asset is in service during the year. The fact that the expensing deduction may be claimed in full (if you are otherwise eligible to take it) regardless of how long the property is held during the year can be a potent tool for year-end tax planning. Thus, property acquired and placed in service in the last days of 2017, rather than at the beginning of 2018, can result in a full expensing deduction for 2017.
  • Businesses also should consider making expenditures that qualify for 50% bonus first year depreciation if bought and placed in service this year (the bonus percentage declines to 40% next year). The bonus depreciation deduction is permitted without any proration based on the length of time that an asset is in service during the tax year. As a result, the 50% first-year bonus write-off is available even if qualifying assets are in service for only a few days in 2017.
  • Businesses may be able to take advantage of the “de minimis safe harbor election” (also known as the book-tax conformity election) to expense the costs of lower-cost assets and materials and supplies, assuming the costs don't have to be capitalized under the Code Sec. 263A uniform capitalization (UNICAP) rules. To qualify for the election, the cost of a unit of property can't exceed $5,000 if the taxpayer has an applicable financial statement (AFS; e.g., a certified audited financial statement along with an independent CPA's report). If there's no AFS, the cost of a unit of property can't exceed $2,500. Where the UNICAP rules aren't an issue, consider purchasing such qualifying items before the end of 2017.
  • Businesses contemplating large equipment purchases also should keep a close eye on the tax reform plan being considered by Congress. The current version contemplates immediate expensing—with no set dollar limit—of all depreciable asset (other than building) investments made after Sept. 27, 2017, for a period of at least five years. This would be a major incentive for some businesses to make large purchases of equipment in late 2017.
  • If your business was affected by Hurricane Harvey, Irma, or Maria, it may be entitled to an employee retention credit for eligible employees.
  • A corporation should consider deferring income until 2018 if it will be in a higher bracket this year than next. This could certainly be the case if Congress succeeds in dramatically reducing the corporate tax rate, beginning next year.
  • A corporation should consider deferring income until next year if doing so will preserve the corporation's qualification for the small corporation AMT exemption for 2017. Note that there is never a reason to accelerate income for purposes of the small corporation AMT exemption because if a corporation doesn't qualify for the exemption for any given tax year, it will not qualify for the exemption for any later tax year.
  • A corporation (other than a “large” corporation) that anticipates a small net operating loss (NOL) for 2017 (and substantial net income in 2018) may find it worthwhile to accelerate just enough of its 2018 income (or to defer just enough of its 2017 deductions) to create a small amount of net income for 2017. This will permit the corporation to base its 2018 estimated tax installments on the relatively small amount of income shown on its 2017 return, rather than having to pay estimated taxes based on 100% of its much larger 2018 taxable income.
  • If your business qualifies for the domestic production activities deduction (DPAD) for its 2017 tax year, consider whether the 50%-of-W-2 wages limitation on that deduction applies. If it does, consider ways to increase 2017 W-2 income, e.g., by bonuses to owner-shareholders whose compensation is allocable to domestic production gross receipts. Note that the limitation applies to amounts paid with respect to employment in calendar year 2017, even if the business has a fiscal year. Keep in mind that the DPAD would be abolished under the tax reform plan currently before Congress.
  • To reduce 2017 taxable income, consider deferring a debt-cancellation event until 2018.
  • To reduce 2017 taxable income, consider disposing of a passive activity in 2017 if doing so will allow you to deduct suspended passive activity losses.

These are just some of the year-end steps that can be taken to save taxes. Again, by contacting us, we can tailor a particular plan that will work best for you.


Tax Implications of Moving

People move for various reasons: to be close to loved ones, amenities and nightlife, to pursue lower living costs, or just because you always wanted to live in a certain place. Proximity to work is the most common reason for moving, and you may be eligible for tax incentives if you just got that offer for a dream job hundreds of miles away. Or, if moving to the city of your dreams is the only viable place where you can start a business, chances are that you can deduct your moving expenses.Read more

Brexit's Impact on US Taxes

The United Kingdom's vote to leave the European Union (EU) is going to have a lot of impact on international trade, not to mention the American economy and tax policy. Americans with UK-sourced income and businesses looking to enter the UK market should take heed of the impending changes and how they will affect their tax liabilities. Here's an overview of Brexit's impact on American businesses and American expats who live and work abroad in the UK.

Brexit Impact on Income Taxes

For taxpayers who have UK-sourced income, you may see a reduction in your tax bill because the exchange rate between the US dollar and pound sterling (GBP) is already down about 8% from 2015. Analysts expect that GBP could fall by 10% by 2017. You will receive fewer dollars back from GBP as it will be the closest in parity to the dollar that it's been in over 30 years. If you have business expenses in the UK this will also reduce them but your UK-sourced income will also fall.

If you have investment income that is UK-sourced, DIRT (dividend and interest retention tax) rates may change. You may have more taxes withheld from your investments which reduces the amount you receive but grant you a larger foreign tax credit or deduction. However, the EU treaties that have prevented double taxation of investment income have been nullified.

For business taxpayers with substantial income and presence in the UK, the loss of the EU's Parent-Subsidiary Directive can exponentially raise business tax bills. There is also speculation that the Capital Duties Directive will return which is a tax levied on capital raised.

Tax Treaties and Potential Further Secession

Brexit is causing treaties that relied on the massive bargaining power of the EU to be renegotiated from the ground up. The US-UK tax treaty isn't currently facing any major changes for Americans who have UK-sourced income and no substantial presence there or non-residents with UK residency and US-sourced income. The tax treaty may still be renegotiated in the face of international trade and workforce shifts and the fact that the UK has been the most major economic and political touchstone for America's dealings with the EU.

In addition to other countries discussing leaving the EU, policy analysts in Scotland and Northern Ireland have brought up seceding from the UK in order to preserve the powers and protections they receive from the EU. If your company is establishing presence in these countries or plans to earn a significant amount of income from them, now would be a good time to consider restructuring. If Scotland and Northern Ireland leave the UK, they'll also have to draft their own tax treaties.

Americans Working Abroad

Brexit's impact on expat taxes is largely tied to the currency shift and immigration laws. Because the UK uses a point system for expats who are not from EU countries which has normally allowed these residents to easily come and go, Americans working abroad won't see an immediate impact since EU status never affected them. If additional visa restrictions and work requirements are enacted now that the EU resident category doesn't exist in the UK, Americans working abroad who don't meet the new requirements may fail the substantial presence test when it comes to the foreign earned income exclusion.

To book a consultation to learn more about Brexit's potential impact on your personal taxes or business, please contact Dukhon Tax by calling 617 651 0531 or by emailing [email protected].

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Life Milestones and Their Effect on Your Taxes

The breadth of our life experiences and changes that occur as we mature always have wider tax implications. The major milestones of our lives bring both tax benefits and liabilities. Almost every milestone we reach, whether it includes the excitement of change or the sadness of loss, directly or indirectly affects our status as a taxpayer.

For example:

Getting married

Whether you file separately or jointly, your filing status will change when you marry. You will be able to claim a new tax exemption and adjust your paycheck deductions. Also, working couples have an advantage over single taxpayers, whose earnings reach the higher tax brackets sooner.

Having children

new baby tax benefitsYour little bundle of joy becomes a tax exemption for the entire tax year. With the 2 AM feedings come advantages like child tax credits and other benefits. For example, when both spouses return to work, there is the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit to pay a babysitter during the workday. Also there are tax credits and other breaks when the child goes off to college.

Losing your job

Lose your job and you immediately enter a lower tax bracket. Worse news is that you will be taxed on unemployment benefits and will be liable for taxes on severance pay and vacation time your former employer bought back. Make sure your former employer sends you that W-2. Keep track of job search expenses- they could be tax deductible.

Divorcing or Legally Separating

You are considered unmarried at the end of the tax year when separated under a divorce decree or a separate maintenance agreement. Alimony you receive or pay is either taxed or can be deducted, depending on whether you are the receiver or the donor.

Likewise, whichever divorced parent has custody of a child for the greater part of the calendar year will be eligible for dependency deductions and other tax benefits accruing from having a child. Although alimony can be tax deductible, child support is not.

Moving to another state

moving to another state tax savingsHeading out for that new job and fresh start? You can deduct some of your moving expenses for which your employer will not reimburse you . You will need to deal with the tax rules of both your former and your new state and might end up filing two state tax returns. Also, resist the temptation to cash in your former employer's retirement plan. Otherwise, you could be looking at a high income tax rate on the proceeds.

Saving for retirement

Most likely, your Social Security benefits will not be enough to assure a comfortable retirement. Whether you participate in a 401(k) or traditional IRA, your contributions will reduce your yearly income tax bite. Your retirement years will also be taxed as the government takes back some of that Social Security money for income tax and Medicare coverage. You will also need to plan those traditional IRA withdrawals beginning at age 70 years six months.

Meanwhile, in between milestones…

Life happens in between all of these milestones. We get busy and sometimes forget the tax implications of our happiest and saddest moments. Reach out to us at Dukhon Tax and Accounting if there is any way we can help you focus on these milestones without worrying about your taxes.